Analysis Of Urban Humbleweed

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This week reading was enjoyable because I love poetry that uses nature as inspiration. In the reading “Urban Tumbleweed” by Harryette Mullen it was interesting because she made connections to her daily walks to inspiration for poetry, for example, she stated “desire to strengthen a sensible habit by linking it to pleasurable activity. I wanted to incorporate into my life a daily practice of walking and writing poetry”. Mullen’s text is also very relatable to me because I know that when I’m writing, I need a change of scenery, being inside and siting in a chair makes me feel less relax and more anxious. Furthermore, going outside when the weather is nice is relaxing and soothing to the mind. From this week’s poems the one that was captivating was Li Po “Clearing at Dawn” because the of imagery Po creates with words, for instance, Po states “With singing thrushes the green boughs droop”. Another, one I loved was “Kakinomoto no Hhitiomaro” because with its short lines it gives off a strong feeling of loneliness, for example, in the last line, it tells the readers that as the boat fades away so does the heart meaning someone has left …show more content…

The poem called “the little horse is newIY” is very intriguing because the spelling in it is so unique that it keeps you wondering why, although the spelling does overpower it still has a good flow to