Analysis Of Vonnegut's 'Slaughterhouse Five'

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Vonnegut classifies the German soldiers that Billy encounters by dividing them into smaller parts. He illustrates their lack of preparedness for war by describing their clothes as “taken from real soldiers,” which implies that they are not real soldiers (52). Instead, they are simply “farmers from just across the German border,” who are in their early teens, or old men (52). It is likely that they were drafted into service, possibly even involuntarily. Furthermore, they are “toothless as carp,” which emphasizes that they are in no state for war (52). By dividing the state of the German soldiers and classifying it, Vonnegut is able to more clearly portray the condition of some members in the German army. The idea of time existing in four dimensions, and how it is different to our perception of time, is a hard concept to grasp. To make it easier to understand, Vonnegut includes relatable examples in Slaughterhouse Five. For example, the analogy of “bugs in amber” helps describe how being stuck in the linear progress of time is like (86). Instead of being able to move freely, the bugs are analogous to humans who cannot move in the amber, which is analogous to time. Vonnegut also explains how Tralfamadorians are able to see “all time as [humans] see a stretch of the Rocky Mountains” (85-86). This analogy helps visualize how the Tralfamadorians process time, by relating it to how humans perceive matter and distance. By simplifying an abstract concept through analogy and