Analysis Of William Congreve's The Way Of The World

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The Restoration of the English monarchy began in 1660 when the English, Scottish and Irish monarchies were all restored under Charles II after the interregnum that followed the wars of the three kingdoms. The term restoration is used to describe both the actual event by which the monarchy was restored, and the period of several years afterwards in which the new political settlements was established. The closed theatres were reopened in the Restoration Age. The Way of the World exemplifies many of the key features of the complex, multi-sided characters who combine urbanity and wit in treating love and wealth as a game they play through concealment, artifice, and plotting. William Congreve’s The Way of the World is also the best and brilliant epitome of Restoration comedy of manners. Comedy of manners is related to human behaviors. The comedy arises not because of the person lacks certain, manner, but the norms of social behaves. Congreve’s play The Way of the World, as a social mirror of the restoration period was first performed in 1700 in London was not a huge success, but later on it was realized that the play is a classic example of comedy of manners and Congreve’s masterpiece. Restoration period has considered immorality as something smart, while chastity and faithfulness in women were ridiculed. Country people were looked down with contempt for their lack of manners. They are fully intended for entertainment. As with all comedies of this type, the play is full of many