Analysis Of Writing With Power By Peter Elbow

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Writing with power is a method of writing written by Peter Elbow a Professor of English Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, where he also directed the Writing Program from 1996 until 2000. The book is designed so that as a reader you can read through it or select one chapter to read and still get some benefits. Although the writer suggests that you get more if you go through the entire book. The book is divided into 6 sections and 29 chapters. The book is written in a first person perspective, the perspective of the author. As you read along you can tell the author is “speaking” as he likes to tie in some story related to the subject. While this is a book on how to write, at the time the author wrote this book it broke the …show more content…

The author explains the reason he structured the book in sections that have chapters is so that if the reader would want to know more about revising they could go to section 3, read the chapters and get what information they needed. The chapters listed in this section are as follows, an approach to writing, free writing, sharing, the direct writing process for getting words on paper, quick revising and the dangerous method: trying to write it right the first time. An approach to writing begins with who this book is directed to, namely a very broad audience in the words of the author. It has a section where there is a paragraph from someone who has followed the author's techniques and based on this paragraph the author will discuss and introduce topics. This format is consistent throughout the whole book. The author states "I think I can best help you improve your writing by talking not only about the words you should end up with on paper but also about the processes that should occur on the way to that final draft. In this format, the author gives the reader some basic tools to begin the writing process and some warnings about some pre-conceived notions about

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