
Analysis Propaganda

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Lyrical writing can be great especially if the prose has meaning, which can make writing the prose that more enjoyable. Lyrical writing like other writings has the ability to express emotions and feelings based on how the writer writes. The lyrical prose “Be Present” is about how a young man is so caught up with comprising a social media post that being concerned what his wife is saying to him. Throughout the poem, Propaganda uses different stories to make a full circle picture of how life gets busy and how we do not take the time to enjoy “the present.” The juxtaposition, point of view, imagery, simile, silence and wrapping of being married and ending in divorce from his phone will be analyzed because he realized how important it is “to be …show more content…

The juxtaposition is comparing life to a land mine. No matter how in control we think we have of our lives, rushing causes out attention to be displaced by the chaos and confusion because we no longer can find or know what we were doing before it started, therefore we play “capture the flag” to take back the control we have now lost. The significance of these lines are to let us know we need to slow down, take our time, and handle one situation at a time. When Propaganda states “multitasking is a myth,” he is saying we think we can multitask but reality is, we are not as effective when more than one thing take our attention. We then try to compensate by making excuses of why we are now flustered, angry or just overwhelmed. Live in the now, do not try “attack the day” or multitask before the day has even started. Let the day come as it …show more content…

The first point of view comes from him but majority is from his father, who uses multiple stories to discusses various ways of how not being present can harm individuals. From Propaganda’s view point, he was too busy in his head “composing a tweet” that he would then add a “cleaver hashtag” to finish up the post with that he realized he was not even listening to his wife due to her silence. He was not focused on the conversation, but more on what he could get out of the conversation: a quote that was clever due to his wife on his social media page. He was not in the present in the sense that he used selective hearing until he found the prefect phrase from his wife to tweet about. Her utter silence pierced him in realizing and recognizing she was awaiting a response from their conversation. He had none. No response because unintentionally, he was not focused on the conversation but on the one all be all quote to tweet. One of the point of views from his father is “a love story,” but this is not a typical love story. This love story is about a woman who was born and a man knowing her before she was conceived. He states that their love is so powerful there is an “eternal connection.” This connection cannot be broken; this love will last forever. The down side of his love story is that “only when you lose her do you learn to appreciate her, like even/ when I’m with her, I’m itching to get rid of her/ and she only gives you one

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