Analytical Essay On My Antonia

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Have you ever wondered what it would be life to live in the middle of nowhere or on a vast and empty prairie? Willa Cather’s book , My Antonia, like many of her other books, takes place in the vast prairies of Nebraska. The book’s introduction is a man remembering his childhood in Nebraska, with his friend Antonia. Throughout the book Antonia is constantly brought up, even after Jim moves to New York. Throughout Jim’s life he faces many changes, but never forgets Antonia and his home town. Antonia and the Nebraskan prairies are the first encounters Jim as a new orphan, at the age of 10, when he moves in with his grandparents. There he learned that the prairies are vast, empty, and hard to live in. From the safety of his grandparent’s home, Jim sees the struggles that Antonia and her family face. Jim’s new environment and easy life make him want to adventure his surroundings. Jim and Antonia go out very frequently to adventure and have fun on the prairies. During one of their adventures, Jim and Antonia bump into a ginormous rattlesnake, luckily Jim had a shovel in his hand and simply killed the snake with the shovel. They …show more content…

Both were fascinated with how hard it was to settle in the prairies. When the Cather visited her family she was reunited with one of her friends, whose father’s suicide was one of the stories she had put in My Antonia. Cather’s friends was a middle aged woman when she visited and was surrounded by her children, she served as the model for the book’s protagonist and turned her memories of Nebraska into the great