Analyze The Causes Of The Great Depression

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Unfortunately, no one can identify one element that lead to the on bringing of the Great Depression. It has been revealed through intense analyzes and research that multiple factors lead to the development of this extremely impactful event in American history. Between the end of World War I and the onslaught of the Great Depression came a time in US history that brought about great success that was referred to as the “Roaring 20’s”. During this time period there was an abundance of wealth to be had, and a feeling of optimism over in the economy. This hope drove many people to invest their new common wealth in the stock market. As people began to invest in the market the overall economy increased and continued to keep growing. As the “roaring 20’s” went on, no one expected the stocked market to all of a sudden go “belly up” in 1929. The “bellying up” of the stock market was one in many dominos that led us into the onset of the Great Depression. …show more content…

With all the wealth that was going on during this time people began to leave the country/farm lands and would move to cites or the suburbs right on the out secrets of the city. During the 1920’s there was an abundance of wealth created. People were rich, but most people had not tangible of holding backing during this time, a great example of this can be found in the novel The Great Gatsby. With all their great feelings within the economy companies would begin investing in other campiness and the stock market would contusion to thrive. The nations wealth wad doubled between 1920 and 1929, this economic growth swept many American’s into investing into the market . As the stock market continued to soar by the thousands, many young American’s in the big cites became to reject the traditions and began to embrace new modern urban culture of

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