Analyze The Disagreements Between The Colonists And Policymakers After The Revolutionary War

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The Britain’s needed revenue since the seven years of war was very costly, the policymakers compelled the American colonists to bear some financial responsibilities of their needs. This change, reinforced by policymakers, was not accepted well by the colonists later brought disagreement between the two sides (American Revolution, 2015).
There were two ideas that brought further disagreements between the colonists and policymakers: Republicanism and radical Whigs. The experience of colonial life had bolstered alert attitudes among the American colonists. They focused on running their entitled fairs, this stirred up issues after 1763 when the Britain tried to reinforce their control on the colonists. They did not want to be submissive to the policies from the Britain government in their own country. The British government went ahead and embraced a theory that they called mercantilism. This theory justified their right to control the colonies which meant colonies …show more content…

Mobilization of colonies in support of nonimportation gave ordinary Americans an opportunity to participate in colonial protests. The colonists were not happy with the importation law and caused further disagreement with the policymakers. After a heated debate, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act.
The Townshend Tea Tax and Boston massacre saw the colonies in fear of being enchained again with taxes that had no representation. They failed to comply with the new taxes law and British officials sent troops to enforce it, which led to Boston Massacre on 5, 1770 where eleven innocent people were killed. The seditious committees of correspondence lead to more disagreement between the colonists and policymakers as they resisted laws enacted by the mother country that deprived them of their rights (,