Analyzing Carmichael's Speech On Reverse Racism

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Question and Answer section of the speech
One of the questions that Carmichael addressed in the Question and Answer segment that immediately followed his talk was that of “reverse racism.” After a short pause, Carmichael wonders what that would be. [Continue. Address some of the other questions].

[Analysis of speech: analysis of 1) concept of Black Power, 2) critique of American democracy and society, 3) individualism vs. “collectivism” in the realm of African American political empowerment. Other themes include: the role of understanding one’s history (in reclaiming one’s identity – self-determination and self-definition as preconditions, 4) practical implications 5) passage/comment on the local conditions in Nashville; III. Analysis of the speech: Problems, shortcomings of the Carmichael’s approach – politics of the “Field vs. House Negro,” dichotomy]

The Aftermath Accounts as to where Carmichael and his fellow SNCC colleagues went after he delivered his note at the IMPACT symposium vary [discuss Joseph, Maraniss, Carmichael, Houston, Hendricks]. After the speech, the audience of 4,000 attendees quickly dispersed and few people remained in the gymnasium to listen to Frank A. Rose, President of the University of Alabama, who gave the closing remarks. Rose, who had …show more content…

Moreover, until his untimely death, he remained an outspoken advocate of the poor and “uneducated” masses, forging alliances between different African countries and members of the African Diaspora. By the time he left the United States at age of twenty-six, he had already accomplished much, and probably would have achieved even more, if more people had been ready to “revolutionize” their commitment to racial and social