Analyzing Hazel's Poem 'A Certain Slant Of Light'

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Another aspect that influences Hazel’s manner of behaving is how the title of An Imperial Affliction is a quote from a well-known poem of Emily Dickinson named ‘There’s a Certain Slant of Light’ as she quotes ‘and then we were out on Jesus’s heart and in the parking lot, the spring air just on the cold side of perfect, the late-afternoon light heavenly in its hurtfulness’. With reference to the book, it is possible that ‘A Certain Slant of Light’ addresses the burden of mortality and human consciousness, which is a prime theme in The Fault In our Stars. Referencing that people with a ‘seal despair’, suggests that people with this despair are select and special among others. Dickinson tries to show the ‘seal despair’ of humanity to reunite the