Analyzing Kerbs Soldier's Home

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Buried in recessed rocks, hear the bullets flying, and then I hear the booming of the cannon and the marching of the troops coming in. I´m trying to find for my survival that all I wanted to do is to get back home safe. Kerbs went to the war from a Methodist college in Kansas he was enlisted in the Marines in 1917(1). After the war was declared over Kerbs stayed at the Rhine until the second division went home in the summer(1). Finally, he returned to his hometown in Oklahoma and the greetings of the heroes were over(3). The short story “Soldier’s Home” made me think about all the soldiers who miss home or have no family to recognize them in their glory in which what they’re doing for our nation. This shows how all of the men and women miss …show more content…

This reminds me in paragraphs four and five the lies Krebs makes is a person who is fallen or injured they are not important those people are overlooking them. This reminds me of the relationship of Krebs and his sister when they have fights together. Also, this love is reminded between him and his sister when at the kitchen table eating breakfast and finally that conversation turned into a fight(16). Finally Krebs goes to his sisters indoor baseball game to watch as he was …show more content…

You can drive it wherever you want whenever you want and end out where you was to be, somewhere safe(18). This relates by changing or running to another place to shot to defend our people. Men dodging bullet would get hit and that is a reason some of them got injured or killed trying to help other wounded soldiers. Also the father only allows Krebs to drive the car only at night and that factor shows how you were never aloud to let your guard down while in battle or war(18). His father gives him the car at night, because Krebs father and mother are worried about