Analyzing Pink Floyd's Song Parody

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“PLAY THE TICK-TOCK SONG DADDY!!” My sister and I would yell from the backseat of my father’s 1992 Honda Accord on the way to preschool every day. Since my sister and I were too young to remember the titles of the songs, we recognized Pink Floyd’s “Time” from the album Dark Side of the Moon from the loud alarm sounds and then the famous tick-tock sound played before the lyrics started. The song “Time” (better yet the whole Dark Side of the Moon album) would not be a song that specifically describes my life, but one that I will always refer to on what I DON’T want my life to be.
In the song, it talks about how when you’re young, you have so much time ahead of you that you take it all for granted and don’t really live when you’re meant to live. Once you get older however you see how much time you have wasted by doing nothing and then you regret passing up those opportunities. Listening to classic rock (or as my friends refer to it as “dad music”) for my entire life, I have heard many songs about people wasting their younger years and wanting to go back but they can’t.
I have always had a motto of “living in the moment” which I think is very common among my generation, but I believe that it really is the smartest way to live. The worst thing you can do is waste your youth with nothing to show for it. If you are doing something that you …show more content…

Thought I’d something more to say” which refers to the life of the person in the song. His life is coming to an end and he thought he did much more than he actually did. There is nothing that inspires me more than having something to show for my life. Whether it be good grades showing my hard work and dedication, friends to show my loyalty and trust, or a passport to show how much I’ve travelled. I want my life to be as satisfactory as it can be. I want my funeral to be a party that celebrates my life and n ot to grieve my