Analyzing Plato's Theory Of The Forms

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Socrates philosophers continue to intrigue the world and generate critical discussions about our beliefs. Plato was a divine master to his follower Aristotle, he proved himself to being a profound sage to adhere to. While both demonstrate about the theory of the Forms, Plato’s theory suggests that the Forms are separate from the source. He brings his readers on an expedition to stray away from what they think they know about materials on Earth and widened their knowledge to the idea that humans once existed before their time, already having accessed the concepts of the Forms. One would believe in such theory because splitting human existence into two worlds solves the problem of permanence and change, one would also believe in the theory because …show more content…

He suggests that there is more to this world than what meets the naked eye. Plato grasps his audience by exposing our minds to higher heights; suggesting that one cannot detect the forms simply by using one’s senses. He impeaches upon what one would think about material things on Earth by implying that humans existed well beyond our time. He proposes every human has an immortal soul leading to access to the forms. Therefore, human knowledge can be developed by rational thought which permits the soul to recall memories of the World of Forms in which humans first originated. This theory shows that above earthly darkness lays a perfect and everlasting …show more content…

“Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, all the Earth, and the creatures that crawl on the Earth…Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.” Plato believed that humans once existed in the world of Forms, prior to being on Earth in a human form. His theory suggests that man was in that realm, given a body on Earth to live their days, then return to the world of Forms. However, one who believes in the existence of God and the scriptures he left as a guide for mankind to follow, would say that man did not exist before our time on earth. In Genesis, the book of beginnings, God did not speak of another world where humans were. The Earth was nothing more than mere darkness, consisting of no life. God did not grab man from an existing realm, world, or dimension. Man was not made until God spoke the words “Let us make man in our image” , and not given existence until He breathed the breath of life into the lungs of man. Based on this, one would say that man was made from the ground up, not the sky