Ancient Egypt Prereading Plan

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The following document is a discussion of activating background knowledge in my second grade class. I have chosen the text Ancient Egypt by Kira freed. I will present this text to my classroom and use the K-W-L chart to assist the students. Below I will go into further detail of my plans and the discribe the students in my classroom.The text I have chose to read with my second grade classroom is Ancient Egypt by Kira freed. This is a reading A-Z level L book. For this reading lesson I will use brainstorming, a prereading plan and a K-W-L to help students achieve background knowledge. The reading activity will take place in my classroom made up of a total of 12 students. Nine out of the twelve students are known as typical peers meaning they are not …show more content…

This student has low academic skills, lacks the ability to articulate, has poor comprehension, struggles to engage with classmates and in discussions. When participating in the K-W-L worksheet Liam will receive assistance from a TA. For whole group discussions Liam will be asked to go first and asked to share the simple concept presented, for example Liam would say egyptians or pyramids. This will start a class discussion with more in depth responses to follow. This also allows the student to participate without feeling embarrassed or that his answer was not good enough compared to his peers. The second student receiving modifications is Allie who is identified as having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Allie has strong verbal skills, but lacks in reading and math, the student also displays low social interaction ability although she knows how to interact. For this activity Allie will work with her paraprofessional. For the discussion portion of this activity Allie should create a venn diagram to share will her classmates during this

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