Ancient Greek Research Paper

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Ancient Greece 5 Paragraph Essay The impact of Ancient Greece culture can still be felt in many cultures even today. If you do not know your history Ancient Greece or the Greek empire are from the Bronze Age so around 336 BC before the formation of Rome. The Ancient Greeks had some of the greatest cultural benefits in their society that have survived to this date. I believe that Ancient Greece has greatly influenced modern life through art, architecture and democracy. Ancient Greece art is some of the oldest versions of art that can still be found today. These art pieces have some familiar items and some items that you would not think of. The familiar pieces are Greek sculptures which are predominately made of marble in the ancient times …show more content…

Architecture is basically the way people build or design any building/monument you see today. The Greeks had a very unique style that has been copied for centuries and can even be seen in our buildings today in Canada which is unbelievably far from its source. The most famous and stunning architecture in the Ancient Greece came from their temples. This is understandable seeing as these temples were an offering to their various gods. Therefore gods like Athena and Zeus had massive temples erected in their honor best described here “The ancient Greeks are rightly famous for their magnificent Doric and Ionic temples, and the example par excellence is undoubtedly the Parthenon of Athens.” (Greek Architecture, n.d.) This temple housed the statue of Athena so it had to be built excellently or they thought they would incur the wrath of their gods. While temples were magnificent the Greeks built many other attractions including stadiums and theaters. These attractions were where some of the first Olympics and dramatic performances were ever connived and shown making it a very important architectural feat to have created these buildings. Some of the most impressive buildings where Nemea and Olympia both astonishing feats of architecture. All of these feats of architecture were documented and passed down through the ages and even different cultures to shape many of the most important buildings or monuments you see …show more content…

Yes ancient Greeks were the first people to create a working democracy. While this democracy was not perfect it was one of the founding blueprints to the system that we use today. The birth place of democracy was Athens the great philosopher city and center for Ancient Greece’s culture. Exactly because Athenians focused on intellectual ideas and supported their great philosophers did they realize that having a king force their decisions on them was not a very just or right way to rule. Which resulted in the following “In the year 507 B.C., the Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced a system of political reforms that he called demokratia, or “rule by the people.””( Staff, 2010) This was the first step on the road to creating the democracy that we Canadians live by today. Now that we know the background of how democracy was founded I can describe how it was in Ancient times. To elaborate not all the people in Athens could vote. While this was better than having the aristocracy controlling all the power there were some definite limitations these being the most striking “only male citizens who were older than 18 were a part of the demos.” ( Staff, 2010) While this got more people involved in the politics the restrictions only allowed for fifteen percent of the population living in the city. So while the formation of democracy was very crude and was

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