Andrew Jackson: A Guardian Of The Constitution

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Andrew Jackson believed that he was a guardian of the Constitution .He was fixing the faulty interpretation of the constitution put forth by his fellow congress men. Jackson saw the banks as “monopoly of foreign and domestic exchange” he believed the wealthy people were using the banks to line their pockets with more money. One of Jackson’s opponents, Daniel Webster of Mass. . He believed that Jackson had no true facts on his assessment, in fact he saw the veto as alarming. In westers view, Jackson was using the constitutional argument to support his own grab for power. The Whigs, that where like the federalists that where years before them, viewed the national bank as both necessary and constitutional. As the jacksonians were evolving democracy of U.S. . . There’s no coincidence that Andrew Jackson’s election will giving voting rights to non-property owning men. And to change the United States economy. The vision of Hamilton of 1790s of industry –based economy system seemed to be coming to life. Even though the labor movement was still an long ways from being fluorescent .George Henry Evans was an major voice during the new …show more content…

Jackson though he was helping the common man when he struck down the banks. in spite of these developments and the rosy observations of Harriet Martineau, there clearly were groups in society that were no part of the “equal” economic opportunities. Philip Hone, a Whig businessman in New York City, for example, recorded his impressions of “dreadful riots” between the “Irish and the Americans” as well as “hostility to the blacks” in New York and Philadelphia in 1834 . Certainly, we might assume that Hone was “anti-Jackson” and therefore willing to paint a dark picture of urban life, but the historical evidence is clear that America has always had “out-groups”. Which simply didn’t have the same economic opportunities as the mainstream of society