Andrew Jackson Compare And Contrast Essay

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Some similarities between Andrew Jackson and the pup described in S. J. Krause’s article are: how the pup looks similar to Andrew Jackson, how the pup can fight when he needs to, and how the pup was all about himself until something does not goes his way. In the article, the author describes how Andrew Jackson and the pup look similar by looking all innocent but ornery. The pup tries to look innocent so that other pups will think he is easy to beat. Andrew Jackson tries to look innocent to the public so that they will like him. Like most politicians do today, he only wants to show the golden side of himself. The author also states, “However, his look is also an analogue of the legendary flashes of temper with which Andrew Jackson was …show more content…

First both Daniel Webster and the frog are very well educated. In the article the author states, “This was more than a superfluous improvement on nature; for with the frog as much as with Webster, jumping was the triumph of an education that brought out what each was most gifted at,” (573). The best qualities of both Daniel Webster and the frog are shown though their education and what they know. Then the author explains that both Daniel Webster and the frog are unsuccessful in their ventures. Daniel Webster tries multiple times to become the next President of the United States and does not win. The frog is trying to win the jumping competition and loses. Becoming the President of the United States is something that Daniel Webster never got to do, and the frog will never win another jumping competition again. Lastly, neither Daniel Webster nor the frog will jump when it is needed most. In the article the author states, “But, fortunately for a man who had made a career of jumping, disappointments came as a challenge to his mobility,” (573). Daniel Webster is hesitant to support the United States Bank even though he had every reason and right to support it. The frog is not jumping because his opponent is cheating. Neither Daniel Webster nor the frog is jumping for