Andrew Jackson Dbq

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All of the money processed in the US have important people from the past. They are supposed to be a symbol of distinguished honor and pride. For example, president George Washington is on the $1 bill. He was chosen to be stamped on this money due to his actions being our first presidents. He had started many precedents for upcoming presidents and had been one of the “Founding Fathers”. He has helped in setting up the government that still stands today. He didn’t make America be one of the most distinguished and honorable countries by himself. Other presidents and major officials had helped as well. They are all on money because they a symbol of the great USA with all their hard work towards this country. George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Abe Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Ulysses S. Grant, Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson are all people who are on legal US paper money. But one president, Andrew Jackson, has his place on the $20 bill questionable. This comes after …show more content…

As stated in the text, “ Jackson who served from 1828 to 1836 has often been seen as a populist leader who tried to strengthen democracy and bring Americans together.” He had tried his best to please all of his voters and the majority of the US. He had done lots of good for the US. Jackson was a top ranked General that helped in a major battle in the south. He had helped the Americans win the Battle of New Orleans from the British in the War of 1812. After his great success in the War of 1812, he than moved on to Florida and captured two Spanish forts to help further expand American territories. Many also that Jackson’s 1830 Indian Removal Act expanded the U.S. territory at a critical time. The land that we took pleased many people down south that wanted to gain land from it. Also Jackson has been on the $20 bill since 1928. That’s 90 years without any controversy about his place. Why start

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