Andrew Jackson Dbq

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When you think about the history/events that occurred in the 1800's, a few important people may come to mind. Andrew Jackson was the 7th President of the United States who was democratic at first but also showed undemocratic traits. Democracy means a certain type of government that supports what the people want; equal rights among everyone. To me, Jackson was undemocratic because he forced the Indians to move and he was trying to eliminate all the wealthy/regular citizens. On the other hand he was democratic because he was the first president to veto and he gave African Americans the chance to fight in war. A president of course is suppose to be for the country but while trying to do so, he could be doing bad that could ruin the country as …show more content…

He talks about his son I'm letters that were written from him to his wife Rachel regarding Lyncoya (son). He truly cherished his son and was devastated after he passed away. Soon after Lyncoya's death, Andrew was elected President of the United States. While he was in office he made a plan to remove the Indians from their territory. To me that's undemocratic because you're forcing people to move out of their habitat to some unknown place that they know nothing about. I feel as if he wanted to remove the Indians because of the passing of his son. Since his son was also Indian, he probably felt as if the Indian population as a whole had something to do with his death. Andrew is somewhat similar to Hitler since he also wanted to remove a specific nationality of people from the country. In the "Memorial of the Cherokee Nation" article, it talks about how the Indians called Andre Jackson undemocratic simply because he was moving their whole tribe to the middle of nowhere. Their land was something they cherished, not only did they live there but they farmed, raised families and had history of their ancestors on that …show more content…

Not only was he the first President to actually veto but he also gave African Americans a chance to fight with White people. Vetoing was somewhat big back then because it let the people know that the president actually cared about what they had to say about the government. He gained a lot of supporters from that encaustic they thought he was truly for the people because of that. On the other hand he was also democratic because he have rights to black people. Although it was a time of slavery and racism, it's states in Andrew's call "To the Free Coloured Inhabitants of Louisiana" how he gave the African Americans a chance to fight in war back then. He also gave them money, food and shelter since most people though blacks were no good or basically someone else's property. Even though he did some good for blacks, he was a hypocrite because he owned slaves himself. On the graph that Robert Reminisce created about slave holdings, Andre Jackson was the one that had increased slave holdings as soon as he was elected president. During his time of presidency, the amount of slaves drastically increased because of him. He did let them fight in war but he's also owning blacks as property which is undemocratic in that

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