Andrew Jackson Dbq Essay

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In the election of 1828, Andrew Jackson became the seventh president of the United States. Andrew Jackson was a strong supporter of self government and a representative for the common people.He believed in equal rights for all and that the American government job is to protect and support the common interests of the people.Jackson created the democratic party and was its leader and his policies were heavily influenced by the era of Jeffersonian democracy.His presidency from 1828-1836 marked the Rise of American Democracy where political movement was pushed towards greater democracy. During the Presidency of Andrew Jackson there were many political changes that occurred that impacted the United States greatly. Voting rights for example were offered to all white men, which meant that requirements that white men had such as being wealthy or owning property were no longer necessary. Although it still excluded African Americans and women it was still a significant improvement because there was much higher public participation.Another change that occurred during Jackson's election was the current political parties separated and two individual parties were created known as the democratic party and the republican party which still exist today.Andrew Jackson also started the spoils system and included more americans in the political process. The …show more content…

He was against a national bank because he believed it directed the nations financial power into a single institution. Jackson also thought that the national bank did not benefit the interest of the common man and that it was mainly run by wealthy people.So basically Jackson chose not to continue the bank,he took money from the bank and put them in state banks.He also tried to decrease inlflation by encouraging to use only gold and silver to buy land but at the end did not benefit the national

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