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The atlantic slave trade 1800
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The atlantic slave trade 1800
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In many occasions, the woman house slaves were treated more cruelty than any other slaves the master owned. Reading four different stories from four different people
As a result, the slave is upset or depressed in that he has to live through this. Although he is a good person at heart, he is still not given the chance to prove himself or get the rights he
Working as a slave wasn’t easy at all. There master worked them all day not caring if they are sick or not or is they are exhausted, it didn’t
Slaves were broken up from their families to ensure that working is their only priority. Having nothing to love and care for made slaves feel less human. Document 8 shows a picture of a man who was badly whipped. The document states, “Beatings with a whip were a common form of punishment used on slaves.” Beating was a form of punishment used when a slave disobeyed their master.
The brutality of American slavery prior to the abolishment of slavery after the American civil war of 1861 to 1865 varied depending on the conditions offered by slave masters and particular historical events along with the states which slaves were in (Source A). Evidence suggests that the treatment of slaves especially in the southern region of America (which includes the states South Carolina, Virginia, Florida and Georgia) was horrendous as it included various punishments which scared slaves not only physically but also mentally. The treatment a slave received was also based on the how long the slave or slaves actually worked for a particular owner (Source B). Many testimonials from former African American slaves go on further to show
Beyond all the horrible treatments that slaves received, enslaved women also had to go through master-slave relationships. Women were not just only bought to do housework or labor in the fields, many times they were purchased for male pleasure and reproduction. "Enslaved women were forced to comply with sexual advances by their masters on a very regular basis" (Sonnen 1). The consequences of resistance often came in the form of physical beatings. This wasn't always the case, even that it was very rare there are examples that show ordinary master-slave relationships, were enslaved women were treated good.
Slaves endured an extreme amount of physical abuse. Some were whipped daily while others were starved. Slaves don't get to eat much each day. They were given a food allowance once a month. Some days they might not eat at all because they made their owners mad or they were being punished for doing something wrong.
Being Taken into Slavery Although the African Americans of all ages were confused about the horrible things happening to them, some of them stayed strong. The hard life that the African Americans went through were horrific. The many trials and tribulations they faced only seemed to get worse as their “initiation” into slavery continued.
Frederick Douglass was a slave that was treated horribly, and witnessed first-hand what horrible treatment slaves got from their white masters. He tells of many stories in which African-American slaves were beaten or shot to death for the tiniest things. Douglass wrote an autobiography, not only to tell others of the miserable treatment, but to show that slaves were treated immorally. Because Frederick Douglass’ purpose was to show the evils of slavery and how it affected a wide spectrum of people, he showed that young slaves were mistreated as well as old slaves and that females were subject to abuse just like the males. Frederick Douglass was born and raised a slave, which means that he had personal experience in what slaves went through because he went through almost the same troubles.
Imagine this if you can Captain; being a slave was so awful it made me ponder if life was worth anything at all. I am a man with my own dreams and desires but yet I was subjected to bow down to my master or otherwise expect his physical blows. Thousands of colored men, women, and children were sold and separated. When I was a slave, I chose to run away to Canada where colored people were protected with the same rights as every other man. Unfortunately, in my journey I came to a standstill where due to the piercing cold and darkness, I was compelled to knock on the nearest door.
I also started jotting down the extremely inhumane punishment inflicted against the free Africans who messed around on the plantations there. I started realizing that free blacks in some ways were worse off than slaves, unfortunately. Since they had no master to look out for them, and no opportunities for work or to make a life. Master King and Captain Thomas Farmer took me as a sailor on several of their voyages, in which I distinguished myself from the rest of the slaves. One day Master King and Captain Farmer accused me once of planning an escape, which I had never planned to do but I had evidence of loyalty which destroyed their fears of me running away.
Ultimately, me being owned as a slave contradicts with two major political documents. From the pamphlet Common Sense, I have read of how Thomas Paine acknowledges the immorality of a certain race to be “so exalted above the rest.” Essentially, it is cruel to allow slaves to be treated as useless property while white men are allowed to ride aimlessly on their horses. You must realize how hypocritical it is to let this continue because the very thing Paine wanted to eliminate, the controlling manner of kings to their subjects, still persists. Also, I have repeatedly heard from The Declaration of Independence that every man is entitled by their Creator the rights of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Working on a plantation, being owned, never having a say in what I believe, and taking orders from people. In conclusion of my slavery, I was able to escape which most slaves weren’t able to. To have a say in the world and to live my life and I do have some bumps in the road but that doesn’t mean to stop believing in what you believe is right is because sooner or later what you believe in will come
When somebody doesn 't do the right they get hit with a whip till they do what is told. Slavery is nothing like doing chores for your parents it 's worse you can 't take a break until you are done you have to keep working until they tell you when your done, and you barely get paid for it. • B. Background information: There has been a lot of injustice in society in slavery like beating up up someone when they don 't do the right thing for the job. slavery isn 't there choice they have to do it for them not for
Living conditions for slaves were dreadful, with long work hours and low wages. Slave masters separated families and sold off children from their parents, or vice versa. Slaves were prone to severe punishment for even trivial offenses. Whippings and beatings were prevalent. Running away allowed them to get away from all the hostility, if only for a while.