
Android Vs Jones Research Paper

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Compare Mobile Android Vs iOS by Expert | OS | 0 comments
Compare Mobile Android Vs iOS
Compare Operating Systems iOS vs Android Phones
The mobile operating system is the set of programs that manages the hardware resources it. So it is important also compare phones according to their operating system.
The arrival of the new model of Apple's iPhone in June has come with a brand new operating system: iOS 8. With the imminent arrival of the new update of Android, the eternal debate arises: What mobile platform is better?
On the one hand we have the new ios 8 integrated in the new models and the ability to update the above terminals and on the other hand we have the Android system, waiting for them to start out the new Android models Lolllipop, we settle for the previous KitKat. The new version of Android has many new features, …show more content…

Keep in mind that Android takes 80% market share to iOS, this makes it the main target of criminals, hackers and virus writers because, not surprisingly, they seek to reach the greatest number of devices. According to a study 97% of the malware created for smartphones is made for devices that have Android, compared to 0% led to iOS. Curiously, the remaining 3% were for models with Symbian.
Many applications of Google Play are able to obtain information about users, installing applications, they ask you to install certain permits, such as access to your contacts, access your calendar, gallery, etc. Most people accept without even read what it says and that, in principle, Google Play seems certain. In 2013 Google Play had 42,000 applications that can steal information while App Store with almost no cases.
Moreover Apple models have a safer but also more closed making have less freedom to modify the terminal to suit the user's operating system, however, you can do what is called jailbreak to have those options in exchange for less

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