Anger In The Iliad Analysis

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Through several chapters, Homer illustrates the different example of virtues and vices. He shows how they should be exhibited and the way they should be controlled. Anger is one of the vices that is a constant theme throughout his works. Anger is shown negatively when it consumes and overwhelms a person and their actions. Anger is a vice in both the text because it distorts a life of aréte for Homer and the holiness that is shown in god.
In the Biblical narrative, it showcases a unique brotherly relationship between Cain and Abel. The relationship is one of deceit, anger, and resentment. In this instance, the reader can acknowledge a sense of excessive anger. Anger opens the doorway for sin; not agreeing to the holy life that was once created by God in the beginning. “If you do right, won’t you be accepted? But if you do not do right, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must master it.” Cain who is full of envy and anger allows it to build up inside of him causing him to react in deceitful ways. In the Bible, this does not …show more content…

Achilles is depicted to the reader as one who is full of anger; sometimes righteous and sometimes excessive. Many of his hatred moments occur due to Agamemnon, his compatriot or after the death of his dear friend, Patroclus. The death of Patroclus is mourned by Achilles greatly that he even goes to war. “Before Achilles' feet as Achilles wept himself, Now for his father, now for Patroclus once again and their sobbing rose and fell throughout the house.” This illustrates that although Achilles is honorable in the Homeric society, he has within himself a great vice; one that can alter or destroy his image. Possessing full aréte means being the “best one” in the society. Achilles has the strengths and the ability to be the “best one”; however this anger that he holds inside him will one day come back to haunt him as a leader or as an