Animal Agriculture Persuasive Essay

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On earth we currently grow enough food annually to feed over 10 billion people, that is 1 and a half times the earth's population, however, there are hundreds if not thousands of people dying of starvation. This is because of animal agriculture. Animal agriculture is the art and science of growing plants and other crops and the raising of animals for food, other human needs, or economic gain .The raising of cows, pigs, chickens and the fishing of sea animals is the biggest cause of greenhouse gas emissions, the reason behind deforestation, climate change, ocean dead zones, poisons waterways and animal extinction. Our excessive consumption and demand for meat and animal by products are having devastating effects and is a completely unsustainable way of living and is why I believe that we need to make an immediate switch to a cleaner and greener way or living. Greenhouse gas emissions is a large problem in today's society and there are reports daily on how it is caused and how we can take steps to reduce our portion of these emissions, however not often is it …show more content…

Animal agriculture water consumption ranges from, 140-290 trillion liters annually. 5% of water consumed in the US is by private homes. 55% of water consumed in the US is for animal agriculture. It takes roughly 9500 liters of water to produce 0.45grams of meat but only 95 liters to produce 0.45 grams of wheat. Which shows that it is highly unsustainable in the long run to raise animals for food compared to growing and eating crops. To produce 3.7 liters of milk it takes 3700 liters of water. Animal agriculture contributes to species extinction in many ways. World-renowned environmentalist Professor Norman Myers argues that we are destroying the Earth’s biodiversity so rapidly that we are witnessing the opening phase of a mass extinction of species, one of only six such events in the Earth’s entire

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