Animal Biology Personal Statement

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Biology, particularly animal biology, has been my favourite subject for my whole school career, from a class trip pond dipping at Primary School to learning about cellular control and variation in Sixth Form. I would like to study biological sciences because it would enable me to acquire skills that would be valuable in many different career settings, such as project work, group work, and problem solving. Also I would like to explore the threats to our planet and the possible ways to tackle them. Likewise I am keen to take the theory learnt in lectures and apply it to practical work in both the laboratory and the field. This has been recently reinforced by a Keeper for a Day experience at Cotswold Wildlife Park where I learnt a great deal about many different animal species. In particular I learnt that breeding animals in captivity is not always the best thing to do, for example the Siamang - a species of gibbon - population in captivity is too large and because they can’t be released into the wild, there is a struggle to find homes for them. During this day I had the opportunity to feed the Tapirs, whilst talking to their keeper I found out that a new species was recently discovered and I have subsequently delivered a class presentation on this. I found this very intriguing because it is not very often that a new mammal species is discovered. So this …show more content…

Working with the learning department has enabled me to share my enthusiasm for biological sciences with children of all ages and their families. I was privileged to participate in a bird ringing session whilst I was at the Earth Trust, in which researchers weighed and measured the wingspan of the birds and put a metal ring on their leg. I would relish the opportunity to develop my knowledge further which will enable me to play a more major part in future studies of this kind and

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