
Animal Farm By George Orwell Rhetorical Analysis

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Comprehension #3 Orwell is man who hates imperialism. He is a police officer who is mistreated on a day to day basis. When hearing the news about the wild animal, Orwell had no plans of shooting it. He did not feel the need to kill or harm the animal. However, soon after realizing the animal killed a man, Orwell felt as if he had no choice. He did not want anyone else getting hurt or the situation spiraling out of control before it was too late. This was his chance to be respected by the townspeople since, hundreds of people followed him to see his heroic act. Orwell states, “I was not thinking particularly of my own skin, only of the watchful yellow faces behind.” (Orwell, p. 137) Purpose and Audience #1 and 3 1. Throughout the story,
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