Animal Farm Chapter 11 Summary

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Animal Farm Chapter 11 Group: Trey Wier Napoleon was slowly becoming more intolerant to the effects of alcohol, so he began drinking more. With every drop of alcohol accumulating in his blood stream contributed to a sure case of alcohol poisoning; this spelled out the end of his life. Squealer, Napoleon’s ever so faithful companion, had been drunk ever since Napoleon’s death. It was clear that Squealer could not handle a community of raging animals against him without Napoleon’s assistance. Napoleon’s success as a dictator quickly apostatized into Squealer’s failure. Squealer was now to the point where he could be easily outsmarted by any animal on the farm, even the most shortsighted chicken could manage. While reevaluating their plans, a large, white pig made itself …show more content…

They knew they had a large opponent, and it was impossible for them to overthrow Squealer. Squealer’s group of dogs were ever so powerful, and it would be miraculous if they could even bring one dog down. They needed to create a union of animals to oppress this evil ruler. The animals created a federation, whose goal was to bring order and justice to this corrupt and vile place, just as Old Major and Snowball had much wanted. Squealer had always been on the animal’s minds, and the animals knew that they had to do something about it. The animal council elected to remove Squealer from the farm without killing him. The council had to wait until the dogs were not close to Squealer, which was very difficult seeing as the dogs were almost always next to his side. Squealer had just sent the dogs to eat, when he was gagged, thrown into a bag, and sold at the market. The prospects of animalism were reinstated to their original glory, just as Old Major had intended them to be. The council was much more successful than any dictator, for the reason that is: “Every animal is

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