Animal Farm Corruption Essay

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David Hume once said, "The corruption of the best things gives rise to the worst". Animal Farm is a book by George Orwell. It's a novel about animals who attempt to rebel against their owners. The animals want to have control over the farm and create a perfect government. George Orwell's Animal Farm demonstrates how ignorance, manipulation, and power-hoarding behavior can lead to corruption. Mollie and the sheep being ignorant makes it easier to influence them, and it gives the pigs more power. George Orwell writes, "When they had once got it by heart, the sheep developed a great liking for this maximum, and often as they lay in the field they would all start bleating, "Four legs good, two legs bad! Four legs good two legs bad! And keeping it up for hours on end without growing tired of it" (Orwell 25). The sheep aren't paying attention to what the phrase means and are easily influenced. The sheep simply go along with whatever the other animals do or say.The sheep's ignorance plays a part in the corruption of the animal farm. In addition, Mollie illustrates ignorance when she asks about the sugar after the rebellion. Mollie asks, …show more content…

In his speech, Squealer demonstrates manipulation by saying, "Many of us actually dislike milk and apples."I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health…"(Orwell 26). Squealer is misleading the other animals. The pigs don't need all the apples and milk, they just want the food. Furthermore, Orwell writes, "Surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back?" (Orwell 26). Squealer is talking to the animals and expressing how he believes Jones could return if the animals don't comply. Squealer is manipulating the animals into doing what he wants. Squealer is using his power to manipulate and use the animals for his own personal reasons. Squealer's manipulation of the animals can result in