Animal Farm Propaganda Essay

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“Peace! Land! Bread!” exclaimed the Russian citizens. This was the familiar cry of the Russian civilians. They cried this for one reason and one reason only. They believed that the Soviet Union would grant them things that were guaranteed to them. In the government’s eyes, they were just using the people to make the Soviet Union stronger; sadly they succeeded. To many historians, it appears that the Soviet Union manipulated the people through propaganda. Propaganda is something that has been used for a long time. However, Russian propaganda is special. It tricked people into believing that the Soviet Union was for the people of Russia. This fact caused an uproar of reactions through the world. One reaction in particular was a book; this book …show more content…

In Animal Farm, it is said that Squealer is “a brilliant talker, and when he was arguing a difficult point, he had a way of skipping from side to side and whisking his talk which was somehow very persuasive.” (Orwell, George [2.2]). These actions that Squealer used could’ve been seen as a way to communicate with a certain tone or mood when the animals were communicated that could make the conversation more persuasive. He is also seen to have a “quick mind” and no morals. (Shmoop [1]). This is seen when he changes The Seven Commandments and sends Boxer “off to the knackers”. When the animals begin to learn to read The Seven Commandments, they find some issues with what the leaders are promoting. Squealer uses their lack of intelligence to his advantage and says that they didn’t read the whole thing. The animals accept this; leaving Squealer successful in his lie to the animals. Another example is when he sends Boxer to his death when the animals read the van that Boxer into. Squealer then explains to the animals that the van that Boxer went into was not to kill a horse, but was indeed a hospital transport for the animals. To confirm this “fact” even more, Squealer tells the animals an elaborate story about Boxer’s death saying, “It was the most affecting sight I have ever

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