Animal Farm: The Seven Commandments Of Animals

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There are many rules society that guide our daily lives. The seven commandments for the animals that I chose are whatever goes on two legs is on enemy. Whatever goes on four legs, or has wings, is a friend. No animal shall wear clothes. No animal shall sleep in a bed. No animal shall kill any other animal. And all animal are equal. The issue focused on whatever goes on two legs is on enemy. This is exemplified by the pig, the rulers of animal farm who break both these rulers and indeed every other rule originally enshored as the guiding principles of the animals revolution. The rule in particular are designed to unite the animal against their common oppressors, the human they are condensed into the slogan. However the pigs, in their …show more content…

Then the way in which napoleon and the other pigs turn against other animals is seen in the shucking series of purges when various animals when and previously moored to question napoleon idens are slaughtered this is mesd certainly not a case end viewing all other animals and birds as friend, it's pigs justify their repressive actions by pretending that myrrh who does chalarge them are deadly enemies of the form and therefore must he …show more content…

In all three cases, a minor grammatical revision permits mayor revision of a law that legitimizes and excuses napoleon s

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