Animal Homelesslessness Research Paper

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As people continue to buy animals from breeders and puppy mills they fail to remember all of the animals suffering on the streets and in animal shelters. As people continue to not place an I.D. tag or a microchip on their pet, they are contributing to the homeless animal population. When people don’t spay or neuter their pet, the animal homelessness population rises. As people fail to consider the needs of an animal when they’re purchasing one, the risk of abandoning them increases. Animal homelessness is a continuous problem in the United States and needs to be solved.
Though animals are suffering on the streets and in animal shelters, people continue to buy their pets from breeders and puppy mills. “Nationally, only 20% of the dogs …show more content…

“In the United States, 2,000 to 3,000 puppies and kittens are born every hour” (HSCI - General Tip). By spaying and neutering, people can “prevent the problem before it begins” (10 Ways To Decrease). Because of the large population of homeless animals, and their ability to reproduce so rapidly, spaying and neutering helps slow the growth rate of animal homelessness. Many people believe spaying and neutering animals is dangerous to their health, but if the treatment is done at a certain age it is considered safe to spay or neuter your pet. If people don’t begin to prevent unwanted animal births, the animal homelessness population will continue to soar, leaving many animals lives at risk.
Though animal homelessness can seem hopeless, there are solutions. The continuation of puppy mills and breeders in the U.S. causes an addition to the animal homelessness rates. Say no to puppy mills and “avoid buying animals from pets stores” (10 Ways To Help). Stop buying puppies in pet stores that were outcomes of puppy mills. People can spread the word to buy from shelters. Informing others of the animal homelessness situation may not seem impactful, but change can happen if more people are aware of the …show more content…

Though the numbers of euthanized animals are lower in “no-kill” shelters, it doesn’t mean they’re better than a regular animal shelter. “No-kill” shelters “confine animals to cages for weeks, months, or years on end” (Companion Animal Overpopulation). Because of the shelter “no-kill” policy, animals remained trapped for long periods of time. In these shelters, animals are confined and lonely. In “no-kill” shelter conditions animals become sad. Though euthanization is a sad process, “no-kill” shelters drive animals to intense sadness which is

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