
Animalism In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Have you ever thought of what it would be like if animals rain a farm? Well in the book Animal Farm that is just what happens, the animals rebel and take over the farm and create their form of government called animalism. Animalism work well for the first part of the book but soon it was shown for everyone to see the faults in this system of government. Their were three main reasons why this fell apart, lack of distribution of power, education and fear.
Animalism fail because of the lack of distribution of power before snowball got kick out of the farm there was no someone to contradicted napoleon and to hold him responsible to the new laws he made. “As usual Snowball and napoleon were in a disagreement…… The animals formed into two faction under the slogans vote for snowball and the three day week and vote for napoleon and the full manger.” with this the animals could side on one pig that best supports their needs. This made it so that napoleon and snowball had to have think of the other animals well beginning and not just their owen. After snowball …show more content…

One of the big thing snowball and napoleon argue about was how to deal with this issue on whether or not to create a up rising on other farmers or just to defend their own. After snowball got run off the farm he was used as a to shut down any of his supporters “the three hens that had been the ringleaders in the attempt rebellina over the eggs now came forward and stated snowball had appeared to them in a dream and invited them to disobey napoleon.” Now that snowball has been shown as a enemy of animal farm the animals that did something wrong would blame snowball but little did they now they got killed for what they did and now for the first time scenes jones another animal had killed another animal. The fear that someone was going to take over the farm out wayed the fact the pigs had broken a

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