
Animals Bill Of Rights

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Should animals need a ‘’Bill of Rights’’? Animals are seen as nothing more than a childhood pet. Animals are beautiful creatures that should be protected and cherished. Through animal research and experimentations, humans are getting benefit and gains in inhumane ways; the poor animals are suffering through pain, even though they have moral statuses and rights. Animals are vulnerable, defenseless, and in man’s power. Animal rights is the idea that animals must have the same rights as humans, to live without suffering, just as important as living individuals, and with the same moral status as humans. Without a Bill of Rights, innocent animals are defenseless against those who would do them harm.

Having animal rights would go against centuries of human culture but it wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing because human culture is based on killing animals to benefit ourselves. Scientists and other medical researchers say that animal testing is the future to finding cures. Using animals for testing helps them figure out what will work and not work on humans. Also, using animals in the medical area hasn't helped humans near what people think it has. Just because animals are living breathing creatures like us, doesn't mean their systems are anything like ours. In Germany, the government is encouraging pig farmers to give each pig 20 seconds of human contact each day and to provide them with toys to prevent them from …show more content…

Studies say that such a dramatic consumer cost would rise the cost of food. Consumers would be forced to pay 25 percent more for eggs. Instead of improving production for the American egg industry and supporting our farmer, these regulations will get egg producers out of business. Fewer egg farmers means fewer eggs. Fewer eggs mean higher prices for the

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