Anne Frank And The Boy In The Striped Pajamas: A Fable

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Can optimism be a source of protection, an armour against the troubles faced in life? Many people face conflicts on a daily basis, whether it be spilling coffee on the front seat before work, serious health issues, and even being sent off to war. However, the seriousness of the issue is not what sets one aside from others, it 's how the person responds to the adversity. Multiple fictional stories, in addition to real life experiences, demonstrate the effects of how humans respond to conflict, such as The Diary of Anne Frank and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: A Fable. The best way to respond to conflict is by remaining optimistic through the face of hardships because positive attitudes improve overall health, bring others around one into a better …show more content…

For example, “The Diary of Anne Frank” states, “It may be damp and lopsided, but there’s probably not a more comfortable hiding place in all of Amsterdam. … Yesterday mother felt well enough to cook split-pea soup for the first time, but then she was downstairs talking and forgot all about it” (Frank 374). Although the text does not directly state Anne’s optimism helped her mother recover, it is inferred that if Anne hadn’t been so grateful and appreciative, her mother would’ve felt negatively about the Annex too, for she had been forced to keep her family there. In addition, “The Diary of Anne Frank” also states, “So much has happened it’s as if the whole world has suddenly turned upside down. But as you can see, Kitty I’m still alive, and that’s the main thing, Father says” (Frank 373). Originally Anne had felt like her world was crashing in on her, but her father maintained a positive attitude and encouraged Anne to be grateful and happy she was alive. Finally, “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas: A Fable” says Bruno looked at Shmuel’s hand in disbelief, and noticed how bony and malnourished they were. Shmuel hadn’t noticed because everyone on his side of the fence had hands like his, then Bruno proceeded to frown and ponder what was happening in ‘Out-With’ (Boyne). Shmuel was not optimistic or looking for the good in the situation, which clearly did not bring Bruno into a better mood. The event brought the two boys downcast even though they were originally excited at seeing each other, therefore proving not having a good attitude in the face of conflict brings others down. Since pessimism brings peers down, optimism would cheer peers up and make the mood more uplifting. However, optimism has even more amazing advantages such as being a successful coping