Anne Sexton Vs Disney Research Paper

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Cinderella wonderful story ion the world. Many people like to read or watch movies about it. But it has different authors. Walt Disney and Anne Sexton are authors of Cinderella story. The have difference and similar about story. The comparison of the Disney version of Cinderella Anne Sexton is that it has a radical change in telling of the stories can be seen. In Anne Sexton version, Cinderella is granted help from the white dove but in the case of the Walt Disney version this dove is not there which was replaced by a godmother. Some events have been changed. In Anne Sexton case, there has been use of a number of literacy devices, but the other thing’s that always there would be repeated words. The words which are used can be replaced. First, Disney has almost relates its tails to produce into the movies. Most of them would be more stable with the tale is that the Disney version only. This reason is due to the most of them would be like to see their childhood memories just for knowing that how we would be in that time and what are the things we would be done , Disney has always be a family …show more content…

Disney was mostly thought by the media ,that means they use in the television ,movies, books and also in playing video games which would be considered so the Disney could thus arrive at more interest in general. The Cinderella story is somewhat simple different than the fairy tale as used by the media. The Walt Disney of the Cinderella story was the one of the most famous and the popular one that revealed the popular nature and the culture. For instance it would be consider this scene that the Cinderella’s mother dies, in the Sexton poem, and then the girl is abandoned by her father and the step mother. Then in latter case Cinderella two sisters try to get her future husband away from her, whereas at the last case Cinderella and the princess would be a charming doll in their smiles. But the fairy tale is be more a part reality than the present acclaimed Disney

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