Anne Tressie On Bullying Research Paper

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Bullying is clearly becoming a bigger issue in society today than it used to be. According to the National Bullying Prevention Center website, 1 out of 5 students report being bullied ( These students report being bullied because of their looks, body shape, and race. Countless people are experiencing bullying, and the negative effects are becoming more evident with the rise of the internet. Bullying is severe, and reports of bullying should not be taken lightly. In order to appreciate the impact of bullying on today’s youth it is necessary to understand the different types of bullying and how bullying has changed over the years. All forms of bullying are serious, however, there are differences in bullying when it comes to genders. …show more content…

She is a local school district employee who spends the majority of her work day around children, which enables her to observe the negative effects of bullying. Tressie’s opinions about bullying have been shaped by observing firsthand how bullying is handled in schools and seeing the effects it has not only on students, but also on the staff. Tressie is also a victim of bullying. However, her bully was her former spouse who bullied her throughout their marriage. Anne Tressie believes that bullying behavior is something one learns at home. “Bullying is a learned behavior from parents. The behavior has to begin from somewhere, so the logical thought is the parents […]. The children learn what they live, and if they see the parents being bullies than that is where the children get it from.” Tressie also believes that, “Bullying deflates their self-worth, however, the victim has the power to change that thought about themselves and make themselves feel worthy; sometimes that could be done by standing up to the …show more content…

It used to be more verbal and physical, and only occurred in one place, which was usually school. Nowadays it is everywhere, and the victims don’t get a break from the torment. Due to the advent of technology, cyber bullying is becoming more common. Cyber bullying is when technology is used to deliberately harass or belittle others (Agatston S59). According to research done by Patricia Agatston, cyber bullying that occurred during the school day happened through the medium of text messages, but after school cyberbullying occurred through social media (S59). Students would not report the cyber bullying to adults at school because of no cell phone policies, and they also would not report cyber bullying to parents unless specific threats were made because the students felt that they would get internet privileges taken away (S59). As technology continues to progress, there could be a potential rise in cyber

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