Annotated Bibliography: CSI/FBI Computer Crime Survey

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Stephanie Tarver Mrs. Spotswood IDS 804VE 29 October 2014 Annotated Bibliography Abagnale, Frank. "CSI/FBI Computer Crime Survey." 2005. Abagnale’s work covers information addressing computer crime and a 2005 computer crime survey from the Federal Bureau of Investigation involving small and large corporations in America. The survey contained 23 questions about computer security, security breaches, and biometrics. The survey was conducted in four states and it uncovered detailed forensic activity involving financial and electronic fraud. This text will help my reader to gain a greater knowledge of computer crimes, reported incidents from large corporations on security breaches, and to help me to formulate my argument in relation to …show more content…

In his book, “Capital: A critique of Political Economy,” he wrote about a time of capitalist production in England with his work spanning from thirty years of close study of capitalism. He explains capitalism, how it works, and why it evolved, tying it to an economically industrialized period in time but also a time of a developing information age. Marx presents his findings of capitalist production and how the working class were dominated by the use of technology. The information in this text will be used in my paper to help explain how the world’s computer information age is tied to capitalism, cyber capitalism, and to the development of global cyber communities. Marx, Karl. 1993. Grundrisse. Translated by Martin Nicolaus. London: Penguin Classics. Reprint Edition. 692 Marx writes about technology and the development of production systems based on automatic machinery. He brings to light the ideology of the capitalist movement to use technology to control the working class. Marx constitutes the technological innovations in industrialized labor to the continued production of fixed labor. This information will be used in my paper to address the link between capitalism and the challenges faced by our working class society as it relates to technological theft or cyber crime at the hands of …show more content…

The information from this report will show the following statistics in relation to cyber-crimes: 17% of Americans admitted that they have been a victim of cyber crime at some point in their lives, 29% knew someone that had been a victim, and 55% of Americans surveyed are most concerned about identity theft. Witherford-Dyer, Nick. Cyber Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High-technology Capitalism. Univ. of Illinois Press. (1999). 192-193 Witherford writes about Marxism and how it applies to our current information age and how it affects capital and labor today through technology. He addresses the operations of capitalism, labor power, and the capitalist that hog the wealth in our society. This text will be used to further explain the relationship between capitalism and cyber capitalism via catastrophic state socialism. Yar, Majid, Jewkes, Yvonne. Handbook of Internet Crime. Willan Publishing (2010)

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