Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Annotated Bibliography: EDML 270

1. Artzt, A., & Newman, C. (1990). Cooperative Learning. The Mathematics Teacher, 83(6), 448-452.
The article establishes cooperative learning as an “approach that involves a small group of learners working together as a team to solve a problem, complete a task, or accomplish a common goal” (Artzt & Newman, p. 448). It is acknowledged how the role of the teacher shifts away from that of an authoritarian figure, while students learn from one another in a more experiential environment. Furthermore, the authors detail how cooperative learning can be incorporated in mathematics classes to enhance understanding and retention of material. The small-group activities mentioned include “problem-solving sessions, developmental lessons, enrichment projects, homework reviews, and test reviews” (Artzt & Newman, p. 450). I found this resource extremely helpful, as it outlines the reasons students respond well to cooperative learning and ways to best implement group work in the classroom.

2. Axelrod, S., & Greer, R. (1994). Cooperative Learning …show more content…

For instance, it clarifies that competition is no longer the greatest incentive for students, and cooperative learning instead promotes “higher levels of academic achievement and a new sense of motivation” (Manning & Lucking, 1994). Another myth the authors confront is that group grades limit the potential of some students while unfairly rewarding others. This is clearly an invalid claim, since cooperative learning does not depend on group grading systems and often requires each student to participate equally. The authors describe how “evidence as early as the 1900’s has provided indications that learners benefit more from cooperative learning endeavors” (Manning & Lucking, 1994) and do a good job at backing up this claim throughout the