Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Annotated Bibliography
"United Human Rights Council." United Human Rights Council. VIBSCO 2015. n.p, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2015.
This article mostly centers on the effects of the genocide. It is mainly about the how the rift between the Hutus and the Tutsis went very far back in the timeline of Rwanda, which made the impact of the genocide itself even more severe than it might have been had the division between the two groups been premature. It also discusses how the outcome of the genocide could have been lessened or prevented had the UN and other countries intervened in time, and repeatedly brings up questions about how the outcome could have been different had they stepped in, which is a point that I specifically address in my poem.
Dobbs, …show more content…

But, the introduction starts off by trying to justify the non-interference by other countries, and segues into information about the International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda. Most of the rest of the article focuses on a commander and an informant whose communication, when passed onto the UN, refused to be acknowledged. The main message of the article is to explain the few reasons, including the discovery of new information, which led the US not getting very much involved. The tribute is a technique I implement in the end of my poem to justify the lack of international response.

"The Rwandan Genocide." A&E Television Networks. Web. 20 Oct. 2015.
The feature mostly describes the events that led to the genocide, including ethnic tensions, and the reasons for the hostility (which I address in my poem). It doesn’t go too deep into the genocide or the after-affects, but skims the surface just to give the gist of the event. It is more to gauge the reader’s understanding of why it happened rather than tell it like every other history resource. It is told in a way that creates a mental picture of the timeline of the genocide.
"The Rwandan Genocide - United to End Genocide." United to End Genocide. Washington D.C. 2015.Web. 21 Oct.