Annotated Bibliography [1] A. Calvani, "Connectivism: new paradigm or fascinating pot-pourri?”, 2011. [Online]. Available: Antonio Calvani has been a Professor in Educational Methods and Technologies at the Faculty of Educational Sciences (University of Florence) since 1990. His research targets adbanced learners from diverse disciplines in education. In this article, Calvani defines connectivism as a theory based on the combination of chaos, network, complexity, and self-organization theories. However, he disagrees with authors such as Siemens who view connectivism as a new paradigm that does does not acknowledege a consistent theoretical reference. Calvani argues …show more content…
Zimmerman developed a general account to analyze the holistic, multidimensional influences on various learning process to understand learning in a cross-setting ethnography. The language used by the authors specifically targets an expert audience. They propose that in the expertise framework, learners connect what they learn informally with other informal or formal learning environments. Similar to experiential learning, students learn by doing. However, this study recognizes that individual, cultural, and social aspects influence a student’s knowledge creation as well. The article describes two scenarios of common expertise framework in practice. The authors observe interactions between family members in a science center and how narratives affect youth in environmental education programs. These examples demonstrate how learners interact and learn while participating in experiential …show more content…
They explore how the theory affects “second life” activities in 3D virtual worlds created for interdisciplinary communication in learning environments. With reference to Kolb’s work, the authors define the means by which learners achieve a deeper understanding of knowledge. 3D virtual worlds can help students build bridges between education and experience in an interactive environment. This study investigates how the 3D virtual world can foster learning. The article also reveals some discrepancies that learners experience between the real world and virtual world interactions. Finally, the authors conclude with reflections on how to adjust future projects to improvevirtual interactions in experiential learning