Annotated Bibliography: Physical Geography In Mexico

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Annotated Bibliography


González-Abraham, Charlotte, et al. "The Human Footprint In Mexico: Physical Geography And
Historical Legacies." Plos ONE 10.3 (2015): 1-17. Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 July 2016.

This research article details the human footprint of the physical geography in Mexico. By using a systematic scientific method, the study collected datasets of the land surface to measure the human modification of the geographic landscape. The study was able to determine the large-scale transformation as an effect of human activity on many regions, such as ecological spaces, urban areas, farm lands, and more. The samples from many regions across the country was used to calculate the entire human footprint for Mexico, …show more content…

This article delves into the ethical thinking of environmentalism, known as “Environmental Ethics”. The authors cover everything, from the origin of the philosophical discipline, to its application in contemporary social, political, and environmental movements. Environmental Ethics is used by many ecologists and environmental researchers when studying present-day issues, relating to the degradation as a result of human activity. The understanding of the moral philosophy behind modern conservation movements is critical, in order to achieve a thorough understanding of environmental perception by many activists today. Therefore, this article provides important insight of the historical relationship between human philosophy and the natural environment …show more content…

This movement, known as “environmentalism”, has its early roots from organizations such as The Sierra Club, and the creation of an “Earth Day” in 1970. Environmentalist groups have gained recent prominence on the world stage, participating in organizations such as the United Nations. This article also outlines the perspectives of environment from earlier ages, such as the traditional imperialist view that nature should be controlled in order to avoid “natural exploitation”, and other long term damages. The article also discusses the Romantic and Utilitarian philosophies of nature; all sharing the perspective of the environment as the vivid source of life and happiness. This research could contribute to my topic, as it provides information of the philosophical views that humans have on the natural world -- serving to help define the relationship between mankind and the