Ontological Argument Analysis

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The Ontological Argument is defined as the argument that God, being described as the most great or perfect, must exist, since a God who exists is greater than a God who does not (Retrieved from http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100250688). It belongs to the Philosophy of Religions and not Theology; there is a difference between Philosophy of Religion and Theology, even though they both take God and religion as their subject. Theology starts with assuming that God exists and aids in figuring out what follows or it sometimes solves philosophical problems that might arise from the belief in God. Theology is slightly more strict and they have limits to their premises, one of those limits is not believing in God. Another …show more content…

The Ontological argument was part of the Philosophy of Religion and therefore needed a proof, somewhat of a logical, sound argument. This argument was in fact the most bold, daring, and bewildering argument in the history of Western philosophy. Anselm’s claim that God must exist because the concept of God exists certainly angered a few philosophers like St. Thomas Aquinas while other philosophers like Immanuel Kant tried to disprove such an argument; simply

because it was absurd to them. However much absurd this argument may be, it truly was such a beautiful type of reasoning in the eyes of all philosophers. Anselm’s ontological argument started off by stating that the most perfect “thing” that one could possible think of is God and that there is nothing higher. In the Prolsogium, Anselm talked …show more content…

He tried to show the existence of all kinds of non-existent things. He uses an example of an island, that is perfect in his mind but it doesn 't exist,. He starts off by assuming that the island is the greatest thing in the mind and nothing can conceive it, in other words he