Antebellum South Literature

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With the coming and going of the American Civil War, the way of life, thinking, and culture of the country was radically changed. This change that many believe occurred only in the southern portion of the United States instead took place across the country as a whole; the south being the place that is most discussed when looking at pre- and post-civil war differences. The Antebellum South that once was a thriving community was no more. Instead everything was turned on its head. Before the Civil war, idealism was this idea of the Antebellum South portrayed in popular culture; the quintessential example that we use for the Antebellum South is the movie, Gone with the Wind, in which everything was viewed through rose-colored glasses. After the Civil War, themes in literature such as idealism retained their “title”, but not their previous meaning. …show more content…

This periodical contained remarks and news on the literature of day (Belasco & Johnson 1145). Considering literature and popular culture take into account current events, the article written by an unnamed Philadelphian woman (or so we are told; there are infinite possibilities for who actually could have written this article). This piece effectively showcases how idealism changed before and after the war. Before the war, a piece of this nature would be considered extremely inflammatory and may only be printed in abolition focused magazines and papers; after the war, it was more widely accepted to publish something with such polarizing views for the masses to