
Anthropological Analysis Of Origin Myths

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From an anthropological perspective, myths are essential components of religious traditions that tell stories on various aspects of the creation of the world. Myths tie together the concepts of personal experience along with a wider set of assumptions about the way society or the general world must operate. These tales revolve around different concepts such as gods, interactions between gods and human beings, and the predictions of life after death. Origin myths are a type of myth that are known to explain the creation of the world or the particular features of the interactions of human beings. Anthropologists pay careful attention to and study myths because they are seen as highly developed from of verbal art that are believed to embody important …show more content…

At first, these gods had the idea to create Men of Mud which were created as “obedient and respectful beings” to create food. However, the Creators were disappointed with these men and undid their work, creating a new form of humans known as men of wood. These Men of Wood populated the Earth and learned languages in order to speak to one another; however, Men of Wood were created so they would not remember their Creator. These Men of Wood were very intelligent and were capable of seeing, speaking, hearing, understanding, and walking. Their Creators thought their intelligent level resembled the intelligence level of gods and Huracán instantly clouded their vision. Creators then created women in which the men could multiply with women. Lords of Xibalbá, also known as the underworld gods, sent two brothers, Hunaphú and Ixbalamqué, on many missions and adventures in hopes to kill them. However, the two brothers always found ways to avoid their death. One day, one brother was killed and the other brother sacrificed his life, therefore bringing his brother back. The Lords were eventually killed and the two brothers rose, Hunaphú as the sun and Ixbalamqué the

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