
Anti Draft Movement Analysis

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In the article “service and citizenship”, it discusses the state of the military in the late 1950s to the early 1970s. It discusses the Vietnam War and how the war led to the death of many servicemen abroad, resulting to numerous internal controversies. This led most anti draft movement group to agitate against the use of draft to select people into the military. However, a poll was organized to know the number of American citizens who are against the draft. During that time, the democratic Presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey advised the populace to put aside recrimination and disunion but his worlds were not strong enough to convince the aggrieved Americans at that time. His major Republican competitor, Richard Nixon, was making a greater waves with his anti-draft speech on national television. …show more content…

To him, enrollment in the military should be a voluntarily action rather than the used of draft. He said American cannot sit to see the brutalities and the death of the numerous soldiers abroad. He argues Americans are killing each other because of their divided ideological differences. There were antiwar and anti-draft movement who were all against the war. Anti-war movement was agitating for immediate end to the war while anti-draft movement was agitating for the abolition of the draft. Presidential candidate Nixon gain much popularity among the Masses because his campaign messages was about bringing an end to the war as well as abolishing the draft. This messages on political platforms enabled him to gain support of most college students who organized various forum s about the

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