Antigone Go To A Good Place Analysis

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Why I Should Go To A Good Place
I am Antigone and I hail from Thebes. I respect you Hades, and I wish you would hear me out for what I have to say will convince you to send me into the Elysian Fields. All the dead come here to receive their judgement from you, but I want to talk to you before you use your wise knowledge in the decision
In Thebes, the king is Creon. He is cruel and unjust and fails to follow the rule of the Gods that all men must be buried and honoured. I decided to bury my brother like a true practitioner of law, “soldiers who were on guard under the orders of Creon caught me in the act and he sentenced me to death”. I was following the rules of Gods like you and buried alive! I committed myself because I am your servant. …show more content…

If so, shouldn’t I follow the gods instead of a petty king?
An instance where I was true to the aforementioned was when Creon asked if I knew about his law of not burying the foe, and I replied that “Because it was not Zeus who ordered it, nor justice, dweller with the nether gods” (Antigone, 17). The rules of the Gods say that a person must be buried and it wasn’t right to just leave my brother out in the field like that. If someone close to you was dead wouldn’t you have honored him through burial? I feel my argument was very logical because if there is an argument that trumps every other one it is the one where the rules of God can be be used to advocate it. I tried to convince him of my so-called wrongdoings with long arguments, but the unlawful man he is, he didn’t listen to me but thought I had betrayed him. One must be buried, and I took the role of the moral individual, fought the odds to do good, and I even gained