Antipholus Character Traits

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Personality can be defined as the way a person behaves and is that combination of characteristics which form a unique temperament. In Shakespeare’s “The Comedy of Errors,” personality traits are revealed in the two sets of twins that are separated at birth. Shakespeare’s pair of masters, named Antipholus, have similar behavior which define their personality. Both of these masters physically abused their servants when different problems emerged. Also, both of the servant twins behave the same way to their masters by doing whatever their master requests. Some differences with the two sets of twins were their marital status and love life. The master from Ephesus is married and the other master from Syracuse is not. The servant from …show more content…

The actual life stories of two New Jersey men, Mark Newman and Gerald Levey, separated at birth support my belief by the way they have behaved and the choices they have made in their lives. Both men became volunteer firefighters, and chose similar jobs in landscaping and safety device installation. Also, both men had similar interests from hunting and fishing to playing basketball. Both men choose to grow handlebar moustaches during the summer and then they both choose to grow beards during the winter. I think that their identical genetic makeup was the reason the same choices were made in both their lives as evidenced by the same career choice, same interests and even the same choice for volunteer work. According to Mark Newman, “I really don’t have to get to know him, he’s me and I’m …show more content…

Some of their similar life choices were same spouse’s name, same child’s name, same name chosen for pets, and same career choices. They even bought the same car and went to the same places for their vacations. It is clear to me that all these choices and decisions that these two twins made were because they have the identical genetic makeup. Another example of the nature argument is Paula Berstein and Elyse Schein who were part of a scientific experiment unbeknownst to them. Paula and Elyse were separated at birth adopted by two different families in New York City. They met 35 years later and discovered that they had the same taste in music and books. According to Paula when talking about her identical twin sister, “In her, I see the same basic personality.” Paula recognized herself in Elyse just like the New Jersey identical twins of Mark Newman and Gerald

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