Anzac Legend Research Paper

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WWI was a large and famous event and is a major part of Australian history. Taking place in the early 1900s and being fought in mainly in middle eastern Australia and Europe, it was the first war Australia took part in. The experiences they endured have led to a legend which honours the persistence, courage and mateship of the Anzacs. One of the most controversial topics from this period is the questionable truth behind the Anzac legend. It will be argued that the Anzac legend is not a myth and it displays the qualities of an Anzac soldier accurately and credibly. This will be proven through the examination of evidence displaying the characteristics of the Anzac soldiers. “The legend of Anzac was born on 25 April 1915, and was reaffirmed in eight months' fighting on Gallipoli.” (, n.d.) The legend itself is the idea that the Anzacs displayed courage, endurance, initiative, discipline, and mateship. (, n.d.) The Anzac legend was created when the Australian and New Zealand fought along with their allies in WW1. War correspondents, diary entries, and letters all contributed greatly to the legend and played a huge part in its creation. An example is from Charles Bean, an official war correspondent. He stated, “But Anzac stood, and still …show more content…

Mateship, being, “A mode of conduct among Australian men that stresses equality, friendship, and solidarity,” (, n.d.) has been recorded by many sources to have been a present characteristic in the Anzac soldiers. An example of this is from an eyewitness, a well-known war correspondent Charles Bean, who in his book Story of ANZAC stated, “…a man should at all times and at any cost stand by his mate. That was and is the one law which the good Australian must never break.” (Bean, 1921) This displays the qualities Australians possess, more specifically the Australian soldiers