Anzaldua's Borderlands La Frontera Analysis

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Discursive Weaknesses in Anzaldua’s Borderland/La Frontera In Anzaldua’s Borderland/La Frontera, she emphasizes on the need to recreate identity and a sense of radicalism in Chicanas (Mexican American) women. This sociopolitical movement was sparked due to the injustices that Chicanas among (others especially) people of different race, gender and class, who have been oppressed by the forces of racism, imperialism and sexism. However, Anzaldua’s feeble attempts to involve male participation in this movement have provided various shortcomings in her novel. This reveals her presumptuous prediction that the reign of male domination is at its end, expecting men to scoot aside allowing women to ultimately rule. Masculinity in Borderlands/ La Frontera serves as the precepts of discussion as it relates to male participation in re-writing religious history, formulating the identity of the new Mestiza, advancing the feminist movement and negating the power structure that emanate power to males in society. Masculinity in Anzaldua’s novel is one of the central themes portrayed through the history of religion especially among Chicanas and serves as a foil to the identity of women. “The …show more content…

To rephrase it, Anzaldua states that when she is up against the wall, she compels herself to create this faculty.” La facultad is the capacity to see in surface phenomena the meaning of deeper realities, to see the deep structure below the surface,” (Anzaldua, 38). This faculty provides a scope that allows her to see institutionalize oppression that emanates from the power males have in society. To that end, the new Mestiza consciousness will be able to see pass the male intention to keep them mental slaves. For all the institutionalize oppression that the new Mestiza undergoes is a result of male domination in modern