Ap Literature Reflection

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I have always loved exploring and analyzing literature and thus chose to take this class in hopes of continuing my experience in A.P. Literature. I was able to participate in class discussions this symstere which were similar to those I greatly enjoyed in A.P. Literature. However, the course differed greatly in writing expectations. I was required to learn a new writing style that was more argumentative than the purely analytical type I had learned in A.P. Literature. I was also required to tie in and talk about modern issues and events in a way I had not anticipated. Thus this course required me to adapt my writing in a way I had not anticipated. Throughout the duration of this course I have completed numerous writing assignments of which …show more content…

To begin with, I chose my second EOS because I felt it best encapsulated my development as a writer during this course. Thus it best supports my claim of having earned a “strong portfolio” score. The first outcome is about composing strategically with your audience in mind. I was able to meet this outcome with my EOS 2 because I wrote the essay in an academic format as that would be the context it was read in. Thus I made sure that my tone and style reflected academic writing by using transition words such as “therefore” and “hence”. My style also shifted by having longer and more verbose sentences that better fit academic writing. Thus, by keeping the academic audience in mind, I was able to meet outcome one strongly. My second EOS also displayed strengths in outcome two which requires purposeful intertextuality. I believe I have met this outcome because I received comments such as “strong intertextuality throughout” and …show more content…

First this outcome requires the use of different genres which this assignment best represents because it is written in the form of a letter from Ezeulu to his people instead of a traditional essay format. Furthermore this outcome includes “experimenting with various aspects of composing” including “style” and diverse “rhetorical effects”. My 2.1 assignment meet these requirements through my application of “rhetorical effects”. For example, I used anaphora when I say “They have forced you to work on their roads...they have arrested your chief...they have tried to instate a form of government” as I repeat the phrase “they have”. By using anaphora I am able to create a greater sense of urgency and accusation which strengthens the argumentative tone of the letter. I also used rhetorical questions on numerous occasions throughout this assignment to help create an argument that requires personalization and self-reflection. For example, I wrote “ will you choose a path that fosters peace between your fellow men?” and “will you run into the dangerous bush of the white man’s traditions?” as rhetorical questions that prompt actions that align with my argument. Furthermore, I also met this outcome because

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